What is Social Equity?

It’s no secret that the prior prohibition of cannabis disproportionately and adversely impacted people in communities of color. In an attempt to counter this history of disparity, many states and cities have implemented social equity programs in connection to the legalization of medical or adult cannabis use. These programs intend to empower businesses through technical assistance to individuals, reduced licensing fees or waived fees, assistance in recruitment, training, retention of a qualified and diverse workforce, and business resilience such as emergency preparedness.

How We Support

In an effort to give social equity business the tools they need, CannaCtrl is offering 50% off of all services for the first year. As a minority owned business, we understand the hurdles many business owners face, and we’d love nothing more than to see those businesses thrive.

Get In Touch

If you a social equity business or candidate, please fill out the form below and our team will be in touch as soon as possible!