Every stoner has today marked on their calendar as marijuana's sacred holiday. Over the decades, 4/20 has become something of a nationally known day that people celebrate by getting high. It's like a St. Patrick's Day for smoking weed—but many regular weed consumers may not know the day's origins. (Or maybe they're just too high to remember.)
Theories have circulated for years—including that it's a police code for marijuana or that there's some connection to Adolf Hitler's birthday—but the name is usually attributed to exactly who you'd expect: high school students who wanted to toke up after school.
According to a December 1998 issue of High Times, Steve Capper and four of his friends, who called themselves "the Waldos," used the term when they were students at California's San Rafael High School in the 1970s. The group, who were mostly interested in the Marx brothers and standup comedy besides pot, would sit on a wall and mock greasers and cheerleaders outside their school while smoking weed.